
I suppose the first post of any blog should introduce the author a bit, and list some of the topics expected to be covered.

The author: Hi, my name is Scott Yokim; I am a software engineer in silicon valley.  I work for a company that specializes in visual simulations for both commercial and defense applications, so my software concentration is computer graphics programming.  I have an MS in pure mathematics from Virginia Tech, and am a combat veteran of Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm.  I personally used two tons of plastic explosive on the Kuwaiti border to breach minefields for the Second Marine Division.

The topics: During the past six months, my mind has expanded by coming into contact with the Liberty Dollar, Ron Paul’s campaign, mises.org, and Mises’s book Human Action.  Needless to say, these concepts are a lot to digest in one (or even several) sitting(s), so the purpose of this blog is to improve my digestion of these topics via the methods of reading and writing.

As I continue to read, I plan to post excerpts of texts, questions the texts (and life in general) raise in my own mind, and ways to apply the answers to society.

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